Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pt. Woronzof

                                                                Click image to enlarge

9"x 12" oil on primed wood panel.   This painting is of a view form a friend's house who I sometimes cat sit for in Anchorage, AK.  They have a beautiful home on a bluff right in town that looks over all the houses below and right out to Cook Inlet.  The land formation in the left of the painting is called Pt. Woronzof.   So this painting was painted in plein air, however, I was inside looking out large glass windows as I painted.  The temperature was roughly 12 degrees outside at the time!



  1. What a beautiful painting - the warmth of the colors hides the fact that it was only 12 degrees out when you painted it! The view from their home is lovely, and the way you captured the setting would make me want to sit and look at the view all day! Such a comforting and serene vista!

  2. Thank you Terri. You are right, the views from their house make me want to look out the whole time I am there. One time I painted 5 small paintings in a two week period while I was there.
