Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Oil Painting - "Sunflowers With Lemon"

Click here to view blog.

12" x 12" Oil on canvas.  

 I picked up these sunflowers in the grocery store about two weeks ago and I have really been enjoying them.   What a delight they have been with their smiling faces.  I threw in the tomato and lemon just to add to the composition.  Fall is everywhere here and now a bit of rain has set in.  I'm guessing when the clouds lift there will be fresh snow on the mountain tops.  


  1. Love the freshness and luminosity of this painting. Great job Susan!

  2. Hi Jane, Thanks so much! And thank you for following my art blog!

  3. Oh how fresh and lovely! Looks like it just fell off the brush... super nice

  4. Hi Susan - came over from mary's blog where i saw you were attending D Keyes portrait workshop. I saw his demo on Instagram and it looked amazing.
    I can tell by the beautiful colors and brushwork in your still life that you are an accomplished artist so will look forward to seeing your new post workshop work.

  5. Thank you so much Julie, it is great to have your comments. I do hope to be posting again soon.
