Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Valentine's Day Give Away - "Sweetheart Red"

Oil on panel 8" x 10" $375
Painting #4 in the Valentine's Day Give Away.  Leave a comment for an extra entry in the drawing!

Two weeks ago I was visiting my sister in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  We went for long walks and trail hikes in the foot hills and had a wonderful time in the state where I was born.   While I was there I bought these roses at Trader Joe's and painted one afternoon.  She has two new kittens so I had to take extra precautions to make sure they didn't get into the oil paints.  They are very curious and they want to explore everything.  I'm certain they would have landed on my pallet of oil paints had I let them in the room.  Here is a photo of Pearl and Loki as they sleep off one of their afternoon exploits.  They are very good at looking like angels when they sleep!


  1. Nice to have "helpers" while you're painting!

  2. Precious! Love the addition of the kitty story and picture.
